Oct 31, 2015

RTX : 56HD105 ; 163CT088 ; 26FB481 ; 29BW21 ; 29GP001 ; 13HN741 ; 108SD014 ; 163VOG002 ; 26AT026 ; 108LI09 ; UK Manchester, Ian ; 21LR101 ; 31 Antonio ; 30RS349 ; 29WT200 ;

Oct 26, 2015

233YO301 - Marius, Mangalia

Avem un nou coleg din Mangalia care lucreaza in Cb radio cu indicativul : 233YO301 - Marius. Statia lui este echipata cu un radio President Lincon si-o antena dipol pt 11m.
Datele de contact pentru expediarea de QSL card sunt trecute in CallBook.

Good Dx and 73's !

Oct 25, 2015

RTX :108LI09 - Donie ; 56HD105 - Repe ; 2TC207 Michigan USA,100miles W Detroit,16:56/.545USB ; 2IR669 - Steve, Indiana , 17:25/.495usb , Ranger, 4 elm Yagi ;

Oct 24, 2015

RTX : 29AT057 - Noel, IC706, 3Y, 100w ; 29EC705 - Bill, Carlow, IC706, Imax2000 ;
108LI09 ; 29EC047 ; 1DM - NU Italy ; TK70 ; 26FB481 ; 26YB02 -Jeff, ~26FS24 ; 26RD001 ; 26WR251 - Mark ;168JR252 - on 38lsb ; 26CT1855 ; UK001 ; 26PM20 ; 26CI001/O - David ; 29AT118 - Peter ; 1FAT030 - Antonio , Firenze ;1CT016 - Carlo ; 29VOG001 - Dave,16:00cfr/.550 ; 56RS061 - Vesa,16:30cfr/.505usb, Old President Jackson, 6Yagi ;

Oct 23, 2015

RTX : 26MU207 - Rob, Bristol, 12:28/.415 , Stryker 70w ; 26LR103 - 12:30/.545 ; 26IB046 - Ian ; 108LI09 ; UK Manchester, anybody anywhere 01 ; 30FLY001 - Adrian , Cadiz ;

Oct 22, 2015

RTX [Avanti Grande, KL203, dipole] : 26RD144 ; 108LI09 ; 26CT1767 /QRP 4w - 02:09pm/.585usb ; 68DA090 ;

Oct 20, 2015

RTX [Avanti Grande, Kl203, dipole] : 108SD310 - Allan, ins. Hebrides, .575usb/01:47pm local time, Yagi 2elem. ; 108OP215 - John, .525usb/ 01:56pm ; 26FB481 ; 108LI09 - Donie :-) ; 21SM - Mike, qth in Ireland ; 30MU119 - Manuel, President Linocn 2, 30w, Imax 2000 ; 108ID055 - David, 02:32pm ;

Oct 19, 2015

RTX : 30/233/static mobil -  Claudiu, Grup DX Europa (on FaceBook), ch 23fm/6:59pm .

Oct 12, 2015

wfi file transfer

This is the easy way to transfer files between the mobile phone and PC ... to do this you must install the App in the phone and then access the folders with the browser pc.

233MW010 - Silviu

Oct 7, 2015

148 USA in qso 233YO050


Oct 1, 2015



Azi la ora 16:30 colegul nostru din Germania 13/233YO099/Mobil ne-a dat un S7/FM.